First Name
Last Name
Check off applicable policies that you have reviewed:
Asbestos Awareness
Contractor Safety
Energized Electrical Work
Fire Safety Measures
Hearing Conservation
Hot Work
Indoor Air Quality
Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection
Safeguarding of Machinery and Equipment
Working at Heights
Working in Proximity to Power Lines
Workplace Electrical Safety
Workplace Violence
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Thermal Stress
Confined Space
Non-Routine Work
Attendance Support
Designated Substances
Early, Safe Return to Work Program
Health and Safety Accountability
Health and Safety Training
Incident Investigation and Reporting
Job Safety Analysis
Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention Program
Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement
Pre-start Health and Safety Review
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Traffic Control Planning
Visit by a Ministry of Labour Inspector
WHMIS Program
Work Refusal and Work Stoppage
Working Alone
Working Around Water
Workplace Inspections Program
Acknowledgment of completion:
By checking this box I acknowledge that I have fully reviewed and understand the contents of the policies indicated above.
By checking this box I confirm that I if I have any questions about a policy that I will ask my leader.
Enter your employee number here.
*If you do not know your employee number, you can find it on the top right of your pay statement.